Divine Will for every day of the year - May 30, 1912 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, I felt oppressed for the privation of my always adorable Jesus. He came and told me: "My daughter, when you are without Me, use this very privation to double, triple, increase a hundredfold your acts of love toward Me, so as to form an environment — all love — inside and out, and find Me within this environment, more beautiful and as if reborn to a new life. Wherever love is, there I am; therefore, there cannot be separation for the soul who really loves Me; rather, we form the same thing, because love seems to create Me, to give Me life, to feed Me, to make Me grow. I find My Center in love and I feel recreated and reborn, while I am Eternal, with no beginning and with no end; but thanks to the soul who loves Me, I enjoy love so much that I feel as if remade.

“Furthermore, in this love I find My True Love, I find My True rest. My Intelligence rests in the intelligence of the one who loves me; My Heart, My Desire, My hands and my feet rest in the heart that loves Me, in the desires that love Me, desiring only Me, in the hands that work for Me, and in the feet that walk only for Me. Therefore, bit by bit, I go resting within the soul who loves Me; while the soul, with her love, finds Me everywhere and in every place, resting completely in Me. In My Love she remains reborn, embellished, and grows, in an admirable way, in My own Love."