[Jesus speaking]
“…Therefore, courage in the painful circumstances of life. However, know that your Jesus will never abandon you—I don’tknow how to do these things; My Love is not voluble by nature, but firm and constant, and what I say with My mouth comes out from the Life of My Heart. Creatures, instead—they say one thing and feel another in their hearts; they mix many human ends also in making friends, and this is why they change according to the circumstances. So, the dispersion of those who seemed to want to lay down their lives in the good times, and who cravenly run away in the time of humiliations and scorns—they are all effects of the human will. The human will is the true prison of the creature, and is clever in the art of being able to form many little rooms—but all without windows, because it is not skilled at forming openings in order to receive the good of light.
“Therefore, passions, weaknesses, fear, excessive worries, inconstancy, are as many dark rooms of its prison, and she remains now hampered in one, now in another; and fear makes her fear and move away from the one who is laying down his life for love of her. On the other hand, one in whom My Will reigns lives in My royal palace, in which there is so much light, that the pains, the humiliations, the calumnies, are nothing other than stairs of triumphs and of glory, and completion of great and Divine Works. So, instead of running away from the poor martyr who has been cast into dust by the human perversity, she draws closer to him, waiting with patience for the hour of the new triumph. Oh! if My Will had reigned fully in the Apostles, with certainty they would not have run away in an hour in which I felt the need of their presence, of their faithfulness in My so many pains. In the midst of enemies who wanted to devour Me, I wanted My faithful ones close to Me, because there is no greater comfort than having a friend close in time of bitternesses. I would have seen in My dear Apostles, close to Me, the fruits of My pains, and—oh! how many sweet memories would have arisen in My Heart, that would have been balm for Me in My intense bitternesses. My Divine Will, with Its Light, would have prevented their step from running away, and therefore they would have drawn closer around Me. But since they lived in the dark prison of the human will, their mind was obscured, the heart became cold, fear invaded them—in one moment they forgot about all the good they had received from Me. And not only did they run away from Me, but they dispersed themselves from one another—all effects of the human will, that does not know how to maintain union, and knows only how to disperse in one day the good that one has done in many years, with many sacrifices. Therefore, may your only fear be that of not doing My Will.”