This morning, Jesus continued to make Himself seen every now and then, sharing a little bit of His sufferings with me, and sometimes the confessor appeared with Him. Since he had told me to pray for certain needs of his, in seeing him together with Our Lord I began pray Jesus to grant what he wanted.
While I was praying, all goodness, Jesus turned to the confessor and said to him: "I want Faith to inundate you everywhere, just like those boats inundated with the waters of the sea. And since I Myself am Faith, you would be inundated with Me, who possesses everything, can do everything and gives freely to those who trust in Me; and without your thinking of what will come, of when it will, and of how you will do it, I Myself will be there to assist you according to your needs."
Then He added: "If you exercise yourself in this Faith, almost swimming in it, as recompense I will infuse three spiritual joys in your heart: first, you will penetrate the things of God with clarity, and in doing holy things you will feel inundated with such gladness, with such joy, as to feel as though soaked with it. This is the unction of My Grace. Second, you will feel boredom for earthly things, and you will feel joy in your heart for Celestial things. Third, total detachment from everything, and there, where you felt inclination in the past, you will feel bother; this I have been infusing in your heart for some time, and you are already experiencing it. Because of this, your heart will be inundated with the joy which naked souls enjoy, who have their hearts so inundated with My Love, that they are not affected at all by the things that surround them externally."