There are no entries for December 11th. We provide an additional passage on the Immaculate Conception in this place.
I continue my abandonment in the Divine Fiat. Its sweet Chains clasp me so tightly—but not so as to take the freedom away from me—no, no, but to render me more free in the Divine Fields, and to keep me defended from everyone and from everything. So, I feel safer, enchained by the Divine Will. And while I was doing my acts in It, I felt the need of my Celestial Mama, for Her to help me and to sustain my little acts, so that they might encounter the Divine Satisfaction and Smile.
And the Celestial Consoler, who is unable to deny me anything when it is about pleasing Him, visiting my poor soul, told me: “My daughter, Our Celestial Mama holds Primacy over all the good acts of creatures. She, as Queen, has the Mandate and the Right to make the withdrawal of all their acts into Her Acts. Her Love of Queen and of Mother is so great, that as the creature disposes herself to form her act of Love, from the height of Her Throne She makes a Ray of Her Love descend, She invests and surrounds their act of love to place in them from Her own, as Prime Love. And as it is formed, She takes it up within Her same Ray of Love into the fount of Her Love; and She says to Her Creator: ‘Adorable Majesty, in My Love that always springs for You, there is the love of My children fused within My own, that I, with Right of Queen, have withdrawn into My Sea of Love, so that You may find, in My Own, the love of all creatures.’
“If they adore, if they pray, if they repair, if they suffer, from the height of Her Throne descend the Ray of the Adoration, the Ray of Her Prayer, the Ray of Her Reparation; She unleashes the vivifying Ray from within the Sea of Her Sorrows, and She invests and surrounds the adoration, the prayer, the reparation, the sufferings of creatures. And when they have done and formed the act, the same Ray of Light takes them up unto Her Throne, and they fuse within the fount of the Seas of the Adoration, of the Prayer, of the Reparation, of the Sorrows of the Celestial Mama. And She repeats: ‘Majesty Most Holy, My Adoration extends in all the adorations of creatures, My Prayer prays in their prayer, repairs with their reparation, and, as Mother, My Sorrows invest and surround their pains. I will not feel Myself Queen if I do not run and place My Prime Act over all their acts; nor will I enjoy the sweetnesses of Mother if I do not run to surround, help, compensate for, embellish, fortify all the acts of creatures, so that I may be able to say: “The acts of My children are one with Mine; I hold them in My Power before God in order to defend them, help them, and as the sure pledge that they will reach Me in Heaven.’ …”